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Solvable Bridge Plug

Solvable Bridge Plug

SBP Solvable Bridge Plug

Also known as:

Coiled Tubing Downhole Tool, Bridge Plug


Made to Order




Land Freight


Solvable Bridge Plug

Model Number:



Made to Order

Delivery Time (weeks):

2 - 4 Weeks

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Marlin Oil Tools in Calgary

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Marlin Oil Tools


Land Freight


Over the time, the bridge plug fully dissolves in downhole conditions.

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About this item

  • Eco-Friendly Dissolution: Fully dissolves over time in downhole conditions, leaving no residue behind.
  • Efficient Well Isolation: Creates a temporary barrier in the well to effectively isolate underlying intervals.
  • Easy Installation: Set using a hydraulic Setting Tool (STT) for quick and secure deployment.
  • Made of Soluble Materials: Constructed from completely soluble materials for the collets and sealing elements, ensuring full dissolution.
  • Field-Proven Reliability: The technology's effectiveness and reliability have been confirmed through extensive field work.


Introducing the SBP Solvable Bridge Plug from Marlin Oil Tools: A Revolutionary Approach to Temporary Well Barrier Solutions Marlin Oil Tools is proud to unveil the SBP Solvable Bridge Plug, an innovative downhole tool designed for the efficient and environmentally friendly isolation of oil and gas wells. Engineered with state-of-the-art materials that fully dissolve in downhole conditions, the SBP offers a temporary barrier solution that simplifies well intervention processes and enhances operational efficiency. Key Features of the SBP Solvable Bridge Plug: Eco-Friendly Dissolution: Designed to completely dissolve over time, the SBP eliminates the need for mechanical removal, reducing environmental impact and operational costs. Efficient Well Isolation: The plug is set using a hydraulic Setting Tool (STT), ensuring a quick and secure installation to create a reliable temporary barrier and isolate underlying intervals. Fully Soluble Materials: Constructed from entirely soluble materials for both collets and the sealing element, ensuring that the plug will fully disintegrate without leaving residue. Field-Proven Reliability: The effectiveness and reliability of the SBP Solvable Bridge Plug have been rigorously tested and confirmed through extensive field work, offering peace of mind in its performance. Optimized for Oil and Gas Wells: Specifically tailored for use in oil and gas wells, the SBP is an ideal solution for operators seeking to enhance well management and operational flexibility. Streamlined Operations: By dissolving directly in the well, the SBP streamlines the workflow, eliminating the need for follow-up interventions for plug removal. Maximize your operational efficiency and environmental stewardship with the SBP Solvable Bridge Plug from Marlin Oil Tools, a leading-edge solution engineered for temporary well isolation in the oil and gas industry. Utilizing fully soluble materials that dissolve in downhole conditions, the SBP offers a reliable, cost-effective, and eco-friendly alternative to traditional bridge plugs. Set with a hydraulic Setting Tool (STT), this plug is designed to create an effective barrier and then dissolve, simplifying well interventions and eliminating the need for mechanical removal. Choose the SBP Solvable Bridge Plug for its field-proven reliability, operational efficiency, and commitment to environmental sustainability. Why Choose the SBP Solvable Bridge Plug from Marlin Oil Tools? Sustainable Well Management: Provides an environmentally friendly solution that reduces the ecological footprint of well operations. Cost-Effective Operations: Eliminates the expense and time associated with traditional plug removal, enhancing operational efficiency. Reliable Temporary Isolation: Ensures secure and effective temporary well isolation, supporting a wide range of intervention tasks. Proven in Field Applications: Backed by rigorous field testing, the SBP offers reliability and peace of mind for operators. The SBP Solvable Bridge Plug by Marlin Oil Tools represents the cutting edge in downhole tool technology, providing oil and gas operators with a smart, sustainable, and efficient solution for well isolation. Incorporate the SBP into your operations to benefit from its innovative design, operational excellence, and environmental benefits.

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