Skid steers Leasing
Skid steers Leasing
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Flexible buyout options: We’re nothing if not flexible. That’s why we offer a number of different buyout options, ranging from $1 all the way to a 50 per cent of your total equipment cost. And don’t let the word “leasing” fool you. You’ll own your equipment after buyout. Step-up or step-down option: If you anticipate changing cash flow needs for your business, this option allows you to arrange payments that match your business’s varying revenue so you’re paying for your equipment when it’s making you money. Customize your payments to match your cash flow Seasonal payment periods: This is perfect for businesses where cash flow is seasonal like farms or golf courses. Here, you can design a payment cycle that matches your business’s seasonal revenue. A six month on, six month off payment schedule is most popular. Customer service that goes the extra mile: Our team of over 400 staff Canada-wide are happy to help with every aspect of your equipment financing needs.